ELC20-NCE03: Sinus Graft Infections: Recognition, Prevention, and Management
Program Track: Tissue Engineering and Hard Tissue Reconstruction
Course Description: Maxillary sinus augmentation for posterior maxillary implant reconstruction and guided bone regeneration are often predictable surgical procedures to help facilitate optimal dental implant placement. Although complications are uncommon, some result in total graft failure with potentially serious consequences. Emphasis of this course will be placed on etiology, recognition, and prevention of sinus graft infections and hard tissue reconstruction failures. This clinical presentation will further discuss managing these complications and will include a detailed surgical, CBCT and medical approach to address these unwanted scenarios.
Seminar Date:
December 01, 2021
- Describe the etiology of maxillary sinus augmentation infections and hard tissue reconstruction complications
- Recognize, prevent, and treat sinus graft infections and hard tissue reconstruction failures
- Utilize a proven surgical, CBCT and medical protocol for management of complications and unwonted scenarios
CE: 1.00
Active Member: $49.00
Full Price: $49.00